Sunday, 8 January 2012

Act Two, with songs!

Early start for the chorus - the dances from act two. We start with the final finale, with the instruction to "do what you can remember, then we'll fill in the gaps and then we'll do it again. And don't forget to sing!"

This seems to go quite well considering although the oi! that the ending has acquired is not exactly in unison. We get ready to do it again with Martin muttering under his breath that he'd probably better do it too this time. The music starts as a couple more members of the chorus join the lines and Martin is nowhere to be seen but then I spot him, loitering in a back row where it will be less obvious if he should happen to get the dance steps wrong. Director's perks! There is a short debate at the end of this run through about who should bow when, as Steve wants his own bow and is somewhat miffed that he doesn't yet have one, but Celia gives in to his demand almost immediately! Rod is confused about which hand he should be saluting etc with when, so the natural choice of someone to stand in the middle and remind him (and anyone else who is having trouble) is Daisy. She's a good sport!

Before a final attempt at this number, Martin and Celia tag-team each other on reminders and notes until Martin tries to speak over Celia - apparently it just pops out while he's thinking about it. Slightly worrying over-share? It goes pretty well although a couple of people who shall remain nameless (to spare Jackie's and Lesley's blushes) are carrying the song lyrics with them for occasional reference.

Now it's back to the beginning of act two, everyone's favourite song. No, not *that* favourite song, the other one! This would be so much easier if I could name everything but I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone.... Again, "do what you can remember though," Martin says, "I'm sure you've been studying your DVDs over Christmas." After the first run-through, Martin asks if there are any problem bits. There's no answer but this is partly because a gaggle of dancers has surrounded Kim and her notes to clarify all those problem bits. Kim starts stripping off again as she, Daisy and Celia do the steps of the final line slowly, fitting the song-words to the steps. An earlier verse is now stepped through as we all watch Lesley. Well, watch/copy though for some, there's a bit less copying and a bit more watching.

For the next verse, there is a lot of debate about who moves when, and precisely what the moves are supposed to be, a debate exacerbated by the persistent of the band in practising various runs and chord sequences, all done individually quietly but cumulatively with the debate and the stepping, rather loud! However, they do reach a decision and Celia asks if we can do it again. This time, Kim will demo for one half and Daisy for the other half. This would work better if Kim was used to the routine for the side she is supposed to be leading, but never mind! That was kind of all right, Martin decides, so now it's on to a different number, the teen routine, while everyone else gets a chance to rest their feet and check the words.

The teens do a pretty good job of the dance steps, coffee grinder included, despite their depleted numbers, though the singing support they are supposed to be getting from those sitting down is non-existent, or failing that, drowned out by the various conversations.

Now time for our other favourite song. Those who like twirling are instructed by Martin to stand in the front row, those who don't should head for the back and hope. The back row is surprisingly not overloaded! Mostly people are happy with this, so Martin asks now for a rendition of song 18. This includes everyone except Beauty and the Beast, so there's not much of an audience left. This is probably just as well, given the familiarity (or lack thereof) with the steps as demonstrated by some of the dancers. Once through with the music and then it's time to break the steps down into smaller sequences and practise them. Daisy and Kim debate some of the finer points but between us we reach a consensus of what the steps *should* be. Twice through with the music and then Martin wants to move on. Time to start Act Two!

Everyone has sat down and it takes a moment before we realise that after two lines, the chorus have a song and dance number to do, so it's everyone up again! Given that we've just done this one, the singing is a little subdued in places, but perhaps it's because Beauty is standing in the middle of them this time.

Without giving too much away, the Dame's substitute is no substitute when it comes to writing on people, and Beauty's sisters simper and giggle quite beyond belief. Quite nauseating, though obviously, you can still eat ice-cream in the interval.

Also, I get to hear Charlotte sing her solo, which is pretty awesome. It seems my informants were not exaggerating! There's a dance shortly after this for which it appears the music has not been decided. There is a lengthy discussion about the length, style and tempo of this piece both with and within the band. Eventually a decision is reached and we are able to proceed.

We get to the teen scene. There's a dance, but then there's some acting. The delivery is very much in a teen-style, but despite laughter from the audience, Martin says that's appropriate! Once they've gone, it's time for one of Shirley's solos. She's a bit worried about this but it sounds fine to me.

The action progresses despite Hilary having to do some prompting - one line Shirley hadn't even highlighted - and then it's another chorus number, preceded by some speech. Everyone has a word or two but they seem to have forgotten them since the last rehearsal of this scene. Work continues on to another dance number which is cast now, to the surprise/pleasure of those cast, and some new music, which MD Steve tells me later was only asked for this morning, so it was almost composed as we went along.

A break for coffee and then announcements before we start again, including another request for help with the set-painting. Also, next weekend we'll try to run the whole show, which should be interesting. Ideally, know the words, especially for the songs if that's all you do, and remember to smile. Start at 6 again, with a run through of act one routines first.

And then we can carry on. Andy has a brief moment of semi-glory doing a duet with Shirley, and Audrey commits herself to making even more props. Nairn has to stand in for Suzanne and takes particular relish in the line "I'm enjoying this!" Martin is standing in for the Beast and tries to do the kissing scene again but their relative heights stops him...he tries again at the end of the duet but there's so much laughter from the audience that he gives up. Another line that Shirley forgot to highlight is - um - highlighted when she forgets to deliver it. I get to hear a solo song from Catherine for the first time, in which she demonstrates remarkable comic talent as well as her singing abilities (though it may have been my imagination that she sang 'characters to eat' rather than 'meet', or at least let's hope).

A couple of familiar-looking numbers follow, mostly because we did them earlier this evening, though a couple of peebles are still a little hazy in places, and Beauty gets jilted *again* as the Beast isn't here. 'Jilted Again' is a Puppini Sisters number, but all our music is original so we're not doing that.

We've reached the end now but there is time left, so Martin gets Catherine to do her song again - mostly for the pleasure of listening to it, I suspect - and then another pass at song 18, as Martin thinks he's not the only one who hasn't got a confident grasp on the steps. It's just as well for Rod that he has Cathy next to him who knows what he should be doing, otherwise he'd be in completely the wrong place. There's some spinning and stepping into lines from groups, so the central group, which includes (surprise surprise) Kim and Daisy, demonstrates perfectly. Lots of small group practice and argument, and then Martin wants to take it from the top. A bit too much noise for him to be heard, so he tries again, with support from Dan, and we do indeed take it from the top. It's definitely better than it was, but there's still room for improvement. Since there's also time for improvement, we take it from the top again...

A quick go at song 9 again... We'll see how quick is quick. But once through is 'not bad' in martin's opinion, so then it's on to song 14 again. Just as well we're practising this as there's a lyric fail in verse two and then, because they've been thrown by the lack of lyrics, Daisy and Jackie talk behind their hands about what the next step should be. That's the only problem with learning steps to words - once you forget the words, you stand no chance of remembering the steps! We do it again and I'm sure I can hear Jackie calling out, "Right, back, left," at more than one point, despite an improved volume in the singing.

Another opportunity for the teens to do their dance now, which the chorus gratefully accept as an opportunity to sit down. Unfortunately they do it far too well which means in no time at all we're all standing up again for a chance to do the walk down and the final song again. The (small) audience applauds nobly as each section of the cast takes their bow, although why Rod walks down by himself is a little baffling... Presumably he's supposed to have a thing going on with his housekeeper, who is absent this evening.

Dont forget to sell tickets is the final instruction from Martin! So, don't forget!

1 comment:

  1. "Rod is confused about which hand he should be saluting etc with..." I plead guilty to the saluting, not so sure about the etc. I know which hand to use for most things - generally one of my own.

    As for me and the housekeeper, it's just a scurrilous rumour, I tell you!
